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Showing results 61 to 80 of 31690
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- ,Pre-Degree. 1
- ,pretreatment 1
- - authentication; security; transaction; automated teller machine 1
- - SQLlV, SQL injection, Web-based, Vulnerability, Component based 1
- - transaminases, hepatocytes, Acacia nilotica, nephrons 1
- -Big data, data journalism, data query, Media reporters 1
- -confidential data; video Compression; data hiding Steg-analysis; watermarking; Huffman Codin; candidate motion vectors 1
- -Design, Groundnut, Groundnut Roaster, Oil Expeller 1
- -digital; Transition; transmission; analogue, Terrestrial transmission 1
- -network attack, DoS, DDoS, traffic analyzer, detection log, python programming language 1
- -threat modeling; electronic health system; countermeasures; attacks; authentication; authorization 1
- . Oil and Gas 1
- . Additives 1
- .PhytochemicalsAntioxidantsMushrooms1,1-Diphenyl picryl hydrazylReductive power 1
- 14- day Protocol 1
- 14-day protocol 2
- 180-degree bend 1
- 180° Bend 1
- 180° bend 1
- 19th century 1