Browsing by Author Hashim, N.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Application and potential of backscattering imaging techniques in agricultural and food processing - A reviewAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.
2017-06-01Banana Quality Attribute Prediction and Ripeness Classification Using Support Vector MachineAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.; Zude-Sasse, M.
2016Banana Quality Attribute Prediction and Ripeness Classification using Support Vector MachineAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.; Zude-Sasse, M.
2018Comparative study of transform-based image texture analysis for the evaluation of banana quality using an optical backscattering systemHashim, N.; Adebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.
2015The Development and Potential of Laser-Induced Light Backscattering Imaging (LLBI) for Detection of Fruit QualityAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.
2017Prediction of banana quality attributes and ripeness classification using artificial neural networkAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.; Zude-Sasse, M.
2016Prediction of quality attributes and ripeness classification of bananas using optical propertiesAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.; Kaveh, M.
2017Using absorption and reduced scattering coefficients for non-destructive analyses of fruit flesh firmness and soluble solids content in pear (Pyrus communis ‘Conference’)—An update when using diffusion theoryAdebayo, Segun Emmanuel; Hashim, N.; Hass, R.; Reich, O.; Regen, C.; Münzberg, M.; Abdan, K.; Hanafi, M.; Zude-Sasse, M.