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Title: Base Station Placement Challenges in Cellular Networks: The Nigerian Experience.
Authors: Alenoghena, Caroline
Emagbetere, Joy
Keywords: Base transceiver station
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST) Ghana 25-27th Oct 2012
Citation: Alenoghena C. O, J. O Emagbetere. (2012). Base Station Placement Challenges in Cellular Networks: The Nigerian Experience. Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST) Ghana 25-27th Oct 2012. pp 7-11. DOI: 10.1109/ICASTech.2012.6381057
Abstract: With the embrace of cellular telecommunication in Nigeria, the sector has experienced tremendous growth in terms of users. There have also been advances in technology from 2G to 3G and even 4G networks. Irrespective of the network in use, there is a section that is yet to have an alternative which is the base transceiver station BTS of the cellular network. This paper looks at the role of the BTS location on service delivery and hence customer’s satisfaction in cellular networks. A survey is carried out in five major cities in Nigeria to have a professional insight into the challenges/difficulties faced by network providers in the placement of base stations. Results from this investigation reveal topography and land use problems as major challenges to the optimal placement of base stations, hence limiting coverage optimization efforts. This study provides necessary variables for the development of a tool for optimal placement of base station in order to achieve optimized radio coverage.
Appears in Collections:Telecommunication Engineering

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