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Title: SAR Variations in the Face Due to Semi-Rimmed Spectacles and Polarized Sources at GSM900 and GSM1800
Authors: Ojerinde Oluwaseun Adeniyi
Panagamuwa, C.J.
Whittow, W.G.
Edwards, R.M.
Keywords: SAR
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2009 (EuCAP 2009)
Abstract: This paper presents experimental and simulated results from a study looking at the effects of semi-rimmed spectacles on the specific absorption rates (SAR) inside the head. Measurements were carried out using a modified specific anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) phantom head incorporated into a DASY4. 1g SAR was recorded for 14 different semi-rimmed spectacles using CW dipole sources at 900MHz and 1800MHz. Simulations have also been conducted using the digitised SAM head and a pair of spectacles.
Appears in Collections:Computer Science

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