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Title: Physiochemical Assessment and Effect of Pharmaceutical Waste Water in Nigeria.
Authors: Bala Jeremiah David
Keywords: pharmaceutical wastewater
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: The Icfai University Press (IUP) Journal of Environmental Sciences
Citation: Bala J. D (2011). Physiochemical Assessment and Effect of Pharmaceutical Waste Water in Nigeria. The Icfai University Press (IUP) Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 5. No.3. pp. 36-48.
Series/Report no.: 5;3
Abstract: A total of 108 wastewater samples were collected and analyzed for physicochemical properties. The wastewater was collected from the point of discharge (PA), contact point with the external environment (PB) and downstream of Chanchaga river (PC). The results of this study revealed that Chanchaga river and its environment were polluted by wastewater discharge from the factory. Some physicochemical parameters were above the World Health Organization (WHO) acceptable limit. Physicochemical analysis revealed the presence of nitrate, sulphate and phosphate. One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that there were significant differences in the levels of the physicochemical parameters studied at 5% level. The mean values for temperature, sulphate and phosphate for PA and PB were not significantly different from each other. Heavy metals detected were iron and zinc. The concentration of the heavy metals was generally low. The mean concentration for iron and zinc ranged from 0.185 mg/L to 0.741 mg/L and 0.335 mg/L to 0.367 mg/L respectively. The results of this study revealed that discharged untreated pharmaceutical wastewater into the environment and Chanchaga river pollutes the river with some heavy metals. This poses risk to human health, especially to the communities that use water from the river for domestic purposes.
Appears in Collections:Microbiology

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