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dc.contributor.authorAbdulkadir, Adamu-
dc.contributor.authorAbdulhamid, Shafi’i Muhammad-
dc.contributor.authorOluwafemi, Osho-
dc.contributor.authorJohn, K. Alhassan-
dc.contributor.authorIsmaila, Idris-
dc.description.abstractlectron ic medical records (EMR) are vi tal information, extremely sensitive private dat a in healthcare, and need to be frequently shared via the internet amon g peers. One of the maj or benefits derived from the internet is the ease of sending information from one system to an other, irrespective of the loc ation or distance between the nodes. This, and many other related important functionality, ov er the years, has attracted attac kers who dedicat e themselves to breaching the i ntegr ity, avai lability a nd c onfidential ity of E MR information. Existing literat ure have propos ed cryp tograp hic techniques that are not quan tum-saf e. In this paper, an audio-based system for hiding EMR informat ion using a quantum-safe cryptograp hic technique, Nth degr ee Truncated Pol ynomial Ring Units (NTRU) cryp tosystem, and the Leas t Significant Bit (LSB) stega nographic technique is prop os ed. The system was evaluat ed bas ed on embedding cap acity (EC), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), mean square error (MSE), and histogram plot s. Results show ed ou r propos ed system is able to securely hide the medical recor ds withou t causing significant distor tions in t he o riginal audioen_US
dc.publisherInternational Rural and Elderly Health Informatics (IREHI 2018)en_US
dc.subjectElectronic medical records (EMR)en_US
dc.titleSecure Electronic Medical Records Transmission in Audio using NTRU Cryptosystem with Least Significant Bit Steganographic Techniqueen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
Appears in Collections:Cyber Security Science

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