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Title: Assessing the Impact of University Library Services on Academic Performance of Students" :- Exploratory Factor Analysis of A Survey instrument
Authors: Yakubu, Y
Usman, A
Keywords: Library Services, Academic Performance, Survey instrument, Exploratory Factor Analysis
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Publisher: Journal of The Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
Series/Report no.: ;Vol 40
Abstract: Hni‘versi"ty li“h• •.•v provides the needed required materials, data, information, and literature for research, which is crucial to human knowledge and scientific advancement These libraries are set up to enhance academic output of students. Several fa••*»rs contribute to determine Students Academic Achirr ement in t.’. universiy, ho 'ever, the extent to ›rhich students use library facilities “was iut tween fully considered to be one of such /acfors. Thus, this sfudf’pe rformed ozi exploratory /ncior analysis of a suwey instrument assessing the impact of literary services on academic per/oim«iice »/ students in Federal Universiy of Technotagy› Minna Nigeria, as part of a projeM to address this concern.The survey instrument was developed on the basis of a qualitative studyand distributed to 450 randomly scfecfed students, using simple raodam sampling technique. ri‹ i»m«»i included a fi ‹- category Likert-type scale irif?i Rd items.Responses to 28 of the survey’s Likert scoleitems were examined, including inter-item correlations and iniern«f consistency (C'ronbach’s alphafExploratory foctor analysis was performed to identify domains of students’satisfaction with the services available in the library. It was cheered that none of the items were redundant and the scale had appropriate levels of infernaf consistency (Cronbacli’s alpha - 0.81). The exploratory favor aiiofysis identified six factors. Factor one,Iabelled 'enviroztmenr«f conduciveness’, explained 10.0% of the variance. factor two accounted for 8.83% of the varianeeand was labelled ’staff courtesy’. Factor three, labelled ’visiting purpose’, explained 8.56% of the variance ''actor four accouztted for 7.93% of the variance and was labelled ’availabiliy of tibrory facilities’ while factor five, labelled ’accessibiliy oflibrazy facilities’ explained 7.25% and factor six accounted for the.94% and was labeled’service•improvement program’. The instrument demonstrated acceptable library qualities and appears effective in obtaining valid data which shoulJ assist in assessing the Library’s
Description: NA
ISSN: 1116-4336
Appears in Collections:Statistics

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