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Title: Palynofloral Assemblages and their Paleoclimatic Implication for Aiganga Coal Mine, Gombe Formation, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria
Authors: Onoduku, U.S.
Okosun, E.A.
Alkali, Y.B.
Keywords: Palynofloral, Paleoclimate, Gombe Formation, Maiganga Coal Mine, Biostratigraphy
Issue Date: 3-Sep-2014
Citation: U.S. Onoduku, E. A. Okosun and Y. B. Alkali (2014). Palynofloral Assemblages and their Paleoclimatic Implication for Aiganga Coal Mine, Gombe Formation, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria. Journal of Information, Education, Science and Technology {JIEST). Vol 1(1), pp. 284-298
Abstract: Three of the 24 boreholes that penetrated Gombe Formation have been studied for palynofloral assemblages. The aim is to establish their microfloral assemblages, age, paleoclimate and biozonation. The standard maceration method was employed for the palynological analyses. The studied boreholes (BA-7, BA-16 and BA-17). are considerably rich in palynomorphs which permitted adequate quantitative deduction. Majority of the pollen and spores observed from the study included Proteaciditesigalii, Retidipontesmagdalensis, Monoporitesannulatus, Cingu/astisporite~orr:atu_s, R~gulat,spontf:!SCaP_eratus, Scabratriporitesannellus, ProteaciditeslongIspmos_Is, Dtsfaverruspontes simplex andFoveotrilete margaritae. The recovered "!arker specif!~ have been used to date the studied section Maastrichtian age and this agreed w,tn several previous workers. The analyses of the palynofacies were used to interpret the paleoclimate of the studied section as well as zoning the sections into two palyzones, Proteaciditessigalii-Echitriporitestrianguliformis zone and CyathiditessppLaevigatosporiteshaardtii zone. The paleoclimatic conditions were inferred to belong to the Late Cretaceous Palmae province.
ISSN: 1927-0542
Appears in Collections:Geology

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