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Title: Strategies and Approaches to ICT Instructional Delivery in Teachers and Training Institution
Authors: Adamu, Z. E.
Ibrahim, I. K.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Journal of Nigeria Association for Educational Media and Technology
Citation: Adamu, Z.E. & Kuta, I.I. (2017). Strategies and Approaches to ICT Instructional Delivery in Teachers and Training Institution. Journal of Nigeria Association for Educational Media and Technology, 21(2), 299-307
Abstract: There has been increased interest in the use of ICT for instructional delivery, the approach being used since inception of computers to Nigeria has failed to help teacher educators and teachers employ ICT tools for their lessons. Tins paper highlights some strategies and approaches which have helped some developed nations to meet their educational challenges. The author believes that the new approaches being suggested would help teachers particularly teacher educators to use the hardware and software to enhance teaching and learning.
Appears in Collections:Educational Technology

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