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dc.contributor.authorOkwuoza, S. O.-
dc.contributor.authorGimba, R. W.-
dc.contributor.authorHassan, A. A.-
dc.identifier.citationOkwuoza S. O., Gimba R. W. & Durojaiye D. S. (2018). Effects of Computer Assisted Instructional Package on Senior Secondary School Students’ Retention in Latitudes and Longitudes in Abuja, Nigeria. ABACUS. The Journal of Mathematical Association of (MAN), 43(1), 127 – 137, Mathematics Education Series August, 2018en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect Guided Discovery Teaching Strategy on senior secondary schools students' achievement. in Geometry in GwagWalada Area Council,"Abujd. The'resedrch design that was adopted for the study fvas the quaSi4xperiMent4 type. 107.-Sj- 2StudehtS from two co-educational senior secondary sChOolk WaS.Usedfol Multi-stage sampling technique was used first to select the schools .Then-the clasSes:asedidii the StudY'Were.selected by simple random sampling using the ballot syitem. . Mathematics Achieveinent TeSion GeOMetry (MATG) adapted from past WAEC questions was the only instrument that was us edfo— r datatollection..-,The-inStrUnientwaS validated by four research experts and had a reliability coefficient:of:0.-89'afier a pilot- test was conducted -on. The instrument. Two research questions and two null hypotheses tested at 0.05 ,level of significant guided the study. Mean and standard deviation were used :to ansWer:thel-eSearch,'questions while independent t-test was used to test the -hypotheses.Results from -,the findings -Showed that thestudents • who. were- taught Geometry using Guided discovery. teaching strategy-,had.better:achievement,scores than those.•who were taught using the conventional method.. Also, there. was no:significant difference in- the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught Geometry using Guided discovery•teachIng strategy. Itwas recommended among others that Mathematics teachers should use.Guideddiscovery.teaching strategy. in the teaching and learning ofMathematics. , . .en_US
dc.publisherABACUS. The Journal of Mathematical Association of (MAN)en_US
dc.titleEffects of Computer Assisted Instructional Package on Senior Secondary School Students’ Retention in Latitudes and Longitudes in Abuja, Nigeria.en_US
Appears in Collections:Science Education

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