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Title: Palynological Studies of Wells A-1 and B-1, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria
Authors: ALUKO, C
Keywords: palynomorphs, palynozones, downhole occurrence, diversity, diagnostic and non-diagnostic sp, spp
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Bissalam Printers
Abstract: Palynological analyses were carried out on wells A-1 and B-1, western Niger Delta Nigeria. The intervals studied range from 6425 to 7160 feet in A-1 and B-1 wells respectively. The standard method of palynological analyses was used. Nine hundred and twenty-two (922) palynomorph counts were identified from both wells. The studied intervals are dated Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene for well A-1 and Late Eocene to Early Oligocene for well B-1, using the recovered age diagnostic species. The palynozones identified are pachydermite diederixi and Verrutricolporites spp (taxon range) zone in well A-1 which is equivalent to P500-P600 and P700 and upper to lower part of Magnastriatites howardii while Retibrevitricolporite protrudens/obodoensis (taxon range) zone and Longapertites sp - Monocolpites sp (concurrent range) zone are identified in B-1 well which is equivalent to P400-P500 and Verrucatosporites usmensis and Magnastriatites howardii.
Description: The paper investigates the Palynology of Wells A-1 and B-1, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria.
ISSN: 2635-3334
Appears in Collections:Geology

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