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dc.contributor.authorRauf, K.-
dc.contributor.authorOgutolu, F. A.-
dc.contributor.authorIsah, A.-
dc.contributor.authorAbubakar, U. Y.-
dc.contributor.authorNafiu, L. A.-
dc.identifier.citationRauf, K., Oguntolu, F. A., Isah, A., Abubakar, U. Y., & Nafiu, L. A. Properties of Some Distributions Using Chebyshev’s Inequality Approach. Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education, 10(3), 79-89.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this article, we give a simpler proof of Chebyshev inequality and use the result to obtain some properties of Binomial, Poisson and Geometric distributions. Furthermore, analysis of the results has shown that Chebyshev inequality is effective for determining convergence bound of the distributions. Some recent sharpened results are complemented. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, 41A50.en_US
dc.publisherScience Education Department Federal University of Technology Minna.en_US
dc.subjectChebyshev Inequalityen_US
dc.subjectProbability Distributionsen_US
dc.subjectConvergence Bounden_US
dc.subjectSpace and Sharp.en_US
dc.titleProperties of Some Distributions Using Chebyshev’s Inequality Approachen_US
Appears in Collections:Mathematics

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