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dc.contributor.authorAgajo, James-
dc.contributor.authorMusa Nicholas, Akhaze-
dc.contributor.authorChukwuemeke, Henry-
dc.contributor.authorOjemu, Ambrose Bade2015-
dc.identifier.issnISSN 2308-5088-
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a method of accurately estimating, measuring and calibrating Crude oil tank by adopting the “Corresponding Tilt Angle and Displacement Method”. Test for level of tilt was conducted by carrying out a bottom survey for the tank, the level of tilt was determined with the aid of surveying instrument , which was used in determining the easting and northing position of the tank . A deformation analysis shows that a great degree of linearity exist when Displacement was plotted against corresponding angle with r2 value ranging from 0.995067, 0.99189, 0.859067 and 0.975067 for tank B,C,D and E respectively. The result shows that tank D is the most degraded with r2 value of 0.8590 within a stable air temperature of ±3oC, The final calibration result shows that 10000 barrels has reduce to 9750.67, while the 20000 barrels has reduced to 19901.34 barrels, thereby suggesting that a recalibration of the crude oil tank should be carried out every 24 months since the last calibration was done 48 months ago.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Applied Sciences & Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectCalibration Crudeen_US
dc.subjectoil Measurement Tilten_US
dc.titleMeasurement, Metering and Calibration of 10000 Barrels and 20000 Barrels of Crude Oil Tank for Flow Station “Using Corresponding Tilt Angle and Displacement Method”en_US
Appears in Collections:Computer Engineering

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