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dc.contributor.authorOrire, Abdullahi Muhammad-
dc.contributor.authorPaul, Blessing N.-
dc.description.abstractAlternate to live feed for fish larvea is imperative due to its unavailability, high cost and technical know-how of its production at on-farm level. A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the performance of Clarias gariepinus larvae fed different starter diets for 14 days. Four experimental diets comprised of one live diet and 3 inert diets designated as diet 1 (Brine shrimps-live diet), diet 2 (Decapsulated artemia-inert), diet 3 (German wean-inert) and diet 4 (Egg yolk-inert) were administered to larvae at satiation three times daily. Fifty Clarias garipepinus hatchlings were distributed in a complete randomised design in triplicate of 12 round tanks of 20 litres capacity (45cm x 23cm). The results obtained were significantly different (p<0.05) among treatments. Brime shrimps fed hatchling gave the best growth parameters in weight gain (0.26g), specific growth rate (10.24%/day) and survival (71.33%) while German wean fed larval exhibited a significantly (p<0.05) low weight gain (0.07g) and specific growth rate (4.48%/day) while the decapsulated artemia fed larvae had the lowest survival rate (29.33%). Therefore, for better growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus larvae, brine shrimps is thus, recommended as starter diets. Fish farmers should thus, learn the technique of hatching artemia cyst (live feed) at on-farm for efficient production of fish seeds.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMEDen_US
dc.subjectlive feeden_US
dc.titleGrowth performance of Clarias gariepinus larvae fed with varying starter dietsen_US
Appears in Collections:Water Resources, Aquaculture & Fisheries Technology

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