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Title: Modeling and control of DC grids within more-electric aircraft
Authors: Wang, Cheng
Hussaini, Habibu
Gao, Fei
Yang, Tao
Keywords: More-electric aircraft
DC microgrid
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Academic Press
Citation: Cheng Wang, Habibu Hussaini, Fei Gao, Tao Yang, 13 - Modeling and control of DC grids within more-electric aircraft, Editor(s): Alejandro Garcés, Modeling, Operation, and Analysis of DC Grids, Academic Press, 2021, Pages 337-366, ISBN 9780128221013,
Abstract: This chapter mainly discusses the DC microgrids for aerospace application. The more-electric aircraft is the major trend in aerospace industry. Many functions, which were conventionally driven by hydraulic, pneumatic, and mechanical power, are being replaced by electrical subsystems in future aircrafts. With increased power onboard, electrical system architectures are going through significant changes as well. The DC architecture with a common HVDC bus seems to be a solution with great potential. With this concept, the droop control can be adopted. This chapter discusses modeling and control of DC electrical power systems for future aircraft applications.
ISSN: 9780128221013
Appears in Collections:Electrical/Electronic Engineering

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