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dc.contributor.authorC.T. IKwazom, D.O Njoku-
dc.contributor.authorE.C Nwokorie, I.A. Aaefule-
dc.contributor.authorO.C Nwokonkwo, J.E Jibiri-
dc.contributor.authorT.C Okeahialam, F.U Madu-
dc.identifier.citationImo State Chapter Nigeria Computer Society, Conference proceeding IT for Economy Development and National Securen_US
dc.identifier.issnconference preceedings-
dc.description.abstractThis paper has examined the effect of temperature compensator in thermal efficiency management in data centre. The use of computer room air control (CRAC) unit in ensuring thermal efficiency facilitate thermal process stability such that variation of temperature does not exceed predetermined value expected for effective working of data centre infrastructures such as computer hardware and server racks. A proportional-integral-derivative (PID) tuned compensator was designed in MATLAB environment and introduced into feedback network of thermal process in a data centre. Simulation result showed that predetermined temperature of 1oC was maintained when the designed compensator was introduced. Hence, the compensator provided thermal efficiency and stability by ensuring that the expected temperature in the data centre was not exceed and no deviation in the ideal temperature of the computer room air temperature (CRAT) and actual value obtained as step responseen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSELF SPONSORSen_US
dc.publisherImo State Chapter Nigeria Computer Society, Conference proceeding IT for Economy Development and National Security(ITEDEN) Publish BY International Journal Conen_US
dc.subjectCRAC, Compensator, Data Centre, Efficiency, Thermal process, Then_US
dc.titleEffect of Temperature Compensator in Thermal Efficiency Management in Data Centreen_US
Appears in Collections:Information and Media Technology

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