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Title: Assessment of Wind Potential Energy at Height 100 m in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
Authors: Moses, A. S.
Oyedum, O. D.
Oyewumi, E. B.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, vol.76(1), pp. 1 – 7, DOI: 10.7176/APTA/76-01
Abstract: The reliance of a developing nation like Nigeria on hydro-electricity over time has led to power shortage which has hampered her economic and technological advancement because of its seasonal variation. The use of fossil fuel will not also be a better alternative since it is not environmental friendly. However, wind energy is free, clean, cheap and does not contribute to acid rain or global warming. The aim of this research is to carry out an assessment of wind potential in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria for power generation. The characteristics of the wind speed and energy potential in Minna, were examined using daily wind speed and direction data of 2 years, obtained using a metrological instrument; Davis 6162 Wireless Vantage Pro2 positioned at 100 m height. The collected data was analysed statistically and summarised in a simple and concise manner. The results show that the most probable wind speed was 0.4 ms-1 with extractable energy density of 25.04 Whm-2 while the wind speed corresponding to the maximum energy was 10.70 ms-1 delivering 45.96 kWh of energy. The average of the annual wind speed was 10.35 ms-1 which produced energy of 38.03 kWh. Though the average wind speed value revealed that the wind is suitable for wind-electric generation but has a low frequency, hence the power generation will do well for irrigation purposes. The prevailing wind direction was in the North-East direction with 14.84 % of the wind direction frequency. So, a wind station will be more efficient if it is stationed in this predominant North-East direction
Appears in Collections:Physics

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