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Title: Characterization of some key Industrial Waste products for sustainable Concrete production
Authors: Hassan Ibrahim Ogiri
Ismail, Mohammed
Noruzman, Ainul Haezah
Taliat, Ola Yusuf
Taha, Mehmannavaz
Usman, Jamilu
Keywords: characterization
industrial Waste Product
Green Concrete
X-ray Diffraction
Chemical Analysis
Surface Area Analysis
Issue Date: May-2013
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications
Citation: Hassan,I.O., Ismail, M., Noruzman, A.H., Yusuf, T.O.,Mehmannavaz, T., and Usman, J. (2013). Characterization of Some key Industrial Waste products for Sustainable Concrete production. Advanced Materials Research.Vols. 690-693 pp 1091-1094
Abstract: The use of environmentally friendly or “green” concrete to enable worldwide infrastructural development without increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emission is at the focal point of the global issues concerning sustainability. Aside from the concerted efforts by the key players in the construction industry to successfully replace in part or in whole, the conventional Portland cement with green or eco-friendly cementitious materials, the challenges of ensuring that the so called green or eco-friendly concrete performs up to the required expectation has been the focus of many researches. This study therefore, provides an overview of the various processing techniques for the industrial waste materials as well as the determination of the physical and chemical characteristics of the powders prepared from the respective waste materials. The materials were characterized using BET surface area analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), 45-µm wet sieving, 75-µm and 150-µm dry sieving, Specific gravity using density bottle and reactivity index (RI). The results show that FA and PBC are very similar in terms of their physical and chemical characteristic in comparism with POFA. Notwithstanding, all the materials satisfy the basic requirements of the relevant ASTM specifications and also falls within the limit specified by ASTM C 618 for class F fly ash.
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