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Title: Autocad Programming For Reinforced Concrete Structural Detailing.
Authors: Muhammad, Akilu
Hassan Ibrahim Ogiri
Keywords: AutoCAD ; AutoLISP; Structural Detailing; Openwell staircase;Programming.
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2015
Publisher: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology
Citation: Muhammad, A., and Hassan, I.O (2015). Autocad Programming For Reinforced Concrete Structural Detailing. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology.Vol.4, No. 4, pp 273-276.
Abstract: AutoCAD, the popular software for Architectural and Engineering design is increasingly used today to achieve and speed and accuracy in work execution. Complex and repetitive drawings are automated through AutoCAD programming to optimise the design process. In this research, AutoLISP (AutoCad language), is used to programme AutoCAD for automated reinforced concrete structural detailing. Reinforced concrete Open-well staircase is used as a case study. AutoLISP customization features are used to define the coordinates of any point the software uses to draw any element in the detailing. AutoLISP functions were used in defining function of routines, obtaining user input, defining the drawing pattern and changing the system variables were necessary before using the command function to produce the desired drawing. Accuracy and efficiency is achieved in the use of the developed software and user effort is highly minimized and simplified.
ISSN: 2277-1581
Appears in Collections:Building

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