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Authors: Baba, K.M.
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: K.M. Baba (2004) GLOBALISATION AND THE NIGERIAN FARMER.ECPER Journal of Social Studies
Abstract: ABSTRACT This paper examines the possible effects of globalization (characterised by liberalisation and market reforms) on Nigerian farmers. It is argued that due to their small sizes of holdings and relatively inefficient technologies, coupled with the removal of subsidies and other price supports, Nigerian farmers will have difficulty competing in the international market. This situation is worsened by the protectionist practices of the industrial countries which restrict the import of agricultural products from Africa, while at the same time flooding African markets with their own cheap products. These have the likelihood of stifling domestic production. It is further argued, on the basis of experiences of other countries, that agricultural globalization has a tendency to divert attention of farmers from the production of food crops in favour of export crops and to dispossess small farmers of their lands, and that it usually promotes farming practices that destroy the environment. In view of these risks, the paper suggests that Nigeria should adopt guided (selective), as against blanket liberalisation and market and should push for regional integration in order to increase agricultural trade among African countries and to increase their bargaining power in the international market, There is also the need for the emergence of stronger civil society to create awareness on globalization and to serve as watch-dog against the negative effects of globalization on farmers and the environment. Furthermore, Nigeria needs to provide higher value-added on its products to meet international standards. It is concluded that unless steps are taken to mitigate the risks, exposure of Nigerian farmers to open international competition may indeed be bad news for them.
Appears in Collections:Agricultural Economics and Farm Management

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