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Title: Influence of Contractor Selection Criteria on Critical Success Factors of Public Project Delivery in Abuja
Authors: Adejoh, A. A
Asebiomo, M. M
Oyewobi, L. O
Sani, M. A
Isa, R. B
Jimoh, R. A
Keywords: Critical success factor
Project delivery
Selection criteria
Issue Date: 9-Jan-2023
Publisher: ETSJ
Citation: 28 Adejoh A.A, Asebiomo M.M, Ogunbode E.B, Oyewobi L.O, Sani M. A, Isa R.B & Jimoh R.A (2022). Influence of Contractor Selection Criteria on Critical Success Factors. Environmental Technology & Science Journal (ETSJ), 13(2), 86-98.
Series/Report no.: 13;2
Abstract: There are so many contractors that are not technically and managerially competent. This makes contractor selection processes an onerous task to be performed by the client. Yet, without a proper and accurate method for selecting the most appropriate contractor, the performance of the project will be affected denying clients value for money. Therefore, the study assessed the Influence of contractor selection criteria on critical success factor of public project delivery in Abuja, Nigeria using self-administered structured questionnaires to construction professionals. It was discovered that experience, financial capability, and technical capability are widely considered criteria in the selection process while all the critical success factors for project delivery are very much crucial and that procurement related factors, project stakeholders’ related factors, and daily site factors are essential factors to effective project delivery. The study concluded that there exists a significant relationship between the factors considered in selection of contractors and the criteria success factors. Based 0n the relati0nship between selecti0n criteria and success fact0rs, there is the need t0 ad0pt the selecti0n criteria f0r each individual project based 0n pr0ject characteristics, client characteristics and external envir0nment f0r effective pr0ject delivery. It is necessary t0 make g00d assessment 0f the technica1 capacity and experience 0f the c0ntract0rs when c0nsidering the c0st fact0r f0r pr0ject de1ivery.
Appears in Collections:Building

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