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Title: Spatial Pattern of Childhood mortality and Morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa. A Geo-Additive Multinomial Models approach
Authors: Adeyemi, R.A.
Zewotir, T.
Ramroop, S.
Keywords: Nigeria DHS Data
Tanzania DHS Data
Mortality among Under-five Children
Disease Morbidity
Issue Date: Oct-2017
Publisher: College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
Citation: Adeyemi (2017)
Abstract: Comparison the prevalence of Mortality and Disease Morbidity among Under-Five Children in Two Sub-Saharan Africa Countries (Nigeria and Tanzania). A Geo-additive Structured models approach were developed and implemented on DHS survey data
Description: A Geo-additive Spatial Structured modelling of Childhood mortality and Co-morbidity among Children in Two Sub-Saharan African Countries
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