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Title: Factors Mitigating the Implementation of Maritime Safety Conventions in Developing Countries - Experience from Nigeria
Authors: Ajiboye, Araoye Olarinkoye
Ayantoyinbo, Benedict Boye
Abdul-Azeez, Ibrahim Adegoke
Keywords: Implementation; International; Convention; Maritime;Safety
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2010
Publisher: West Africa Journal of Management and Liberal Studies, University of Ghana, Accra,Ghana
Series/Report no.: 5(1);271-282
Abstract: This paper focuses on the identification and analysis of some of the problems facing developing countries in implementing the International Conventions relating to maritime safety with a view of to finding solutions to overcome this situation. Primary data was utilized for this study and a total of 110 questionnaires were administered on randomly selected respondents. The analysis of the data was done using multiple regressions to analyze the data in order to establish the relationship between the dependent variable and the explanatory variables and to look at the degree at which each of the explanatory variables affect the implementation of the international convention of developing countries. The result of the study reveals that there are problems militating against the implementation of the international conventions. Some of these are inadequate capital, inadequate ship facilities, inefficient service, uncoordinated maritime policy among others which have implication on the maritime industry in developing world in general and Nigeria inclusive.
ISSN: 2006 6295
Appears in Collections:Logistics and Transport Technology

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