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Title: Innovations in Modern Automobile Vehicles: A Challenge for Diagnosing and Troubleshooting of Faults by Craftsmen and Master Craftsmen in Nigeria
Authors: Audu, R.
Abutu, F.
Saidu, A.A.
Ekhalia, B.J.
Muhammadu, M.M.
Keywords: Modern Automobile Vehicles
Diagnosing and Troubleshooting
Craftsmen and Master Craftsmen
On-Board Diagnostics II
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Nigerian Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State
Citation: Audu, R.; Abutu, F.; Saidu, A. A.; Ekhalia, B. J. and Muhammadu, M. M. (2019). Innovations in Modern Automobile Vehicles: A Challenge for Diagnosing and Troubleshooting of Faults by Craftsmen and Master Craftsmen in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 6(1), 92-102
Abstract: The curriculum for the technical college programmes that train the craftsmen and master craftsmen for maintaining vehicles has however remained rigid. As a result, it has been removed from the recent technological innovation in automobiles. The gaps created between the curriculum and the new technological innovations have made the needed skills for effective maintenance of these new breed automobiles to continue to elude the craftsmen and master craftsmen who were the products of technical college programmes. The study highlights the challenges facing craftsmen and master craftsmen in the maintenance of modern automobile vehicles. The modern trend with respect to automobile vehicles is equipping the vehicles with on-board diagnostic (OBD) system. Therefore, this paper highlighted the objectives of OBD II system and some of the diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques needed in handling modern automobile vehicles. Conclusion was drawn and recommendations made amongst which are that the National Board for Technical Education should ensure that the curriculum of Motor Vehicle Mechanics programme be reviewed to conform to the recent technological development in automobile technology and government should ensure that institutions of learning are adequately equipped with the state-of-the art facilities in Motor Vehicle Mechanics Works programme
ISSN: : 2465 - 7425
Appears in Collections:Industrial and Technology Education

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