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Title: Effective maintenance culture: A panacea for maximum production in Industries
Authors: Abdulkadir, Mohammed
Ibrahim, D.
Issue Date: Apr-2010
Publisher: JOSTMED
Citation: Abdulkadir, M. and Ibrahim, D. (2010). Effective Maintenance Culture: A Panacea for Maximum Production in Industries. The Journal of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (JOSTMED) Federal University of Technology, Minna 7(1) 41- 45.
Series/Report no.: Volume 7, Number 1;
Abstract: For industries to meet the objective for which they were established, the equipment, tools and machines have to be maintained on a consistent basis. It should be noted that effective maintenance that will bring about maximum production in our industries is generally lacking with its attendant consequences on the effective production of items in industries. This paper therefore, focuses on effective maintenance culture as a panacea essential for maximum production in industries. The paper discussed concept of maintenance, maintenance culture, industry, production process, importance of maintenance in industries, problems militating against effective maintenance and consequences of inadequate maintenance In industries. It is recommended among others that, industries should employ experts in handling of their equipment’s so as to be able to direct faults early enough for prompt rectification. Industries should keep relevant maintenance records and documents as this will serve as the beginning of any form of main maintenance programme and industries should make adequate budgetary allocation for the purpose of maintenance.
ISSN: 0748-4710
Appears in Collections:Industrial and Technology Education

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