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Title: Mouthpart deformities in Chironomidae (Diptera) as bioindicators of heavy metals pollution in Shiroro Lake, Niger State, Nigeria
Authors: Arimoro, F.O
Auta, Y.I
Odume, O.N
Keke, U.N
Mohammed, A.Z
Keywords: Bio-indicator
Chironomid larvae
Metal ions
Shiroro Lake
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Elservier
Abstract: In this study, mouthpart deformities in Chironomid larvae (Diptera) were investigated in relation to sediment contamination in the Shiroro Lake in Nigeria. Metals and chironomids were sampled monthly at three stations (A–C) between August 2013 and January 2014. Across the stations, zinc ranged (3.9–75 mg/g), manganese (1.29–1.65 mg/g), lead (0.00–0.10 mg/g), iron (101–168 mg/g) and copper (0.13–0.17 mg/g). The metal ions did not differ significantly (P>0.05) between the sampling stations. However, zinc and iron ions were significantly different between the sampling seasons (P<0.05). Thirteen chironomid species were recorded, with Chironomus sp., Polypedilum sp. and Ablabesmyia sp. dominating the assemblage structure. Mouthpart deformities were significantly higher at Station A compared with Station C, and seasonally significantly higher during dry season compared with wet season. Elevated incidences of deformity were recorded in Chironomus spp larvae as compared to other genera therefore for further studies in this region assessments should be based solely on Chironomus species and ignoring the rest. Strategies need to be developed to reduce the contaminations and the biological effects.
Appears in Collections:Animal Biology

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