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Title: Application of Information Communication Technology to the Management of Library’s Readers’ Desk
Authors: Olaniyi, Olayemi Mikail
Omotosho, Adebayo
Oluwatosin, E.A.
Towolowi, O.K
Ezenroye, G.C
Keywords: Barcode
classification/readers’ desk
information and communications technology
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: DESIDOC
Citation: Olaniyi, O. M. Adewumi D.O, Shoewu O, Sanda O.W (2012), Lecture Attendance System Using Radio Frequency Identification and Facial Recognition, Computing, Information Systems and Development Informatics Journal (CISDI Journal), USA,3(2):35 –42.
Abstract: The automated library’s readers’ desk management system is a modern innovation that is expected to help in the circulation registration of processed books and register users. The existing library management system processes in most institutions of higher learning in the developing countries is not fast enough and it is mainly manually processed. This paper presents a library readers’ desk management system with the use of fingerprint biometric and barcode technology to the activities of a library’s readers’ services. The proposed system is capable of reducing the time spent and errors associated with identification and verification of users and library books as well as charging-in and charging-out of books to library patrons.
Description: Application of Information Communication Technology to the Management of Library’s Readers’ Desk
Appears in Collections:Computer Engineering

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