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Title: The effects of a developed instructional videotape package for teaching vowel and consonants sounds in primary schools in Minna, Niger State
Authors: Aniah, A.
Tswanya, S. K.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Nigerian Journal of Technological Research
Citation: Aniah, A. & Tswanya, S. K. (2009). The effects of a developed instructional videotape package for teaching vowel and consonants sounds in primary schools in Minna, Niger State. Nigerian Journal of Technological Research. 4(2), 37- 44.
Abstract: The aim of the study was to develop instructional videotape package for teaching vowel and consonant sounds in primary schools in Minna, Niger State. The sample, was made up of one hundred and twenty (120) pupils randomly selected from four government owned primary schools in Minna. A pretest posttest Experimental design (Nworgu, 2000) was adopted for the research. The instrument used was a 20 item test developed by the researcher to test pupils performance in the area of vowel and consonant sounds in English language. The instrument was validated and its reliability co-efficient was r=0.94 using test-retest method. Data collected were analyzed using Mean, standard daviation and t-test statistic. The study revealed that pupils are faced with English words pronunciation problems in the area of vowel and consonant sounds. There was significant difference in the performance of the Students taught with instructional video tape package (tcal=14.82>tcrit=1.67, p=0.008) and consonant sounds (teal 21.58, >1.67 p = 0.008). There was also significant difference in the performance of boys and girls taught vowel pronunciation using instructional videotape package (tcal=2.85> tcrit= 1.70, p=0.008) and in consonant pronunciation (tcal=2.04> tcrit= 1.20, p=0.008). Some of the recommendations include: (i) English language teachers should employ varieties of instructional media in instruction (ii) Language laboratory or studios should be provided in schools by Ministry of Education and equipped with various instructional media especially instructional videotape package, (iii) Qualified teachers who are not knowledgeable in the act of using instructional media should be trained through seminars, Workshops conferences and in-service programmes, (iv) pre-service and in-service training programme for the preparation of primary school teachers should emphasize the use of and application of instructional media in order to give teachers good training and exposure to instructional techniques for effective and meaningful instruction
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