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Title: Production of amylase and protease enzymes by Aspergillus niger and Penicillium frequestans isolated from abattoir effluent
Authors: Oyewole, Oluwafemi Adebayo
Oyeleke, Solomon Bankole
Dauda, B.E.N
Emiade, S.
Keywords: Microbiology
Aspergillus niger and Penicillium frequestans
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Microbiology Journal
Citation: Oyewole, O.A., Oyeleke, S. B., Dauda, B.E.N. & Emiade, S. (2011). Production of amylase and protease enzymes by Aspergillus niger and Penicillium frequestans isolated from abattoir effluent, Microbiology Journal, 1(5), 174-180.
Abstract: The production of enzyme by Aspergillus niger and Penicillium frequestans isolated from abattoir effluent was carried out. The enzyme amylase was found to be thermostable, while protease had its optimum activity at 40°C and was active at a wide range of pH 3-8. The amount of amylase and protease liberated by each fungus was quantified by estimating the amount of reducing sugars and amino acid produced, when specified quantity of starch and casein were hydrolyzed after incubation at 28 and 40°C, respectively, with known concentration of enzyme solution. Results showed that A. niger exhibited the highest enzyme production after 4 days with 4.48x104 mg mL-1 sec-1 and P. freuqestans 3.28xl0-4 mg mL-1 sec-1. Optimum temperature for the activity of amylase produced by A. niger and F. frequestans was 70 and 60°C, respectively and 40°C in the case of protease for both fungi. Optimum pH for activity of amylase produced by both A. niger and P. frequestans was pH 5 whereas, that of protease were 5 and 7, respectively. The result suggests that both isolates were good producers of amylase and protease which can be of industrial importance.
Appears in Collections:Microbiology

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