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Title: Electronic Learning as a new Method of Studying History in Nigerian Universities as Perceived by Lecturers and Students
Authors: Adamu, Z. E.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: PROCEEDINGS of the fifth International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ICESD2019)..Takorodi Technical University Takorode, Ghana
Citation: Adamu, Z.E. (2019). Electronic Learning as a new Method of Studying History in Nigerian Universities as Perceived by Lecturers and Students PROCEEDINGS of the fifth International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ICESD2019)..Takorodi Technical University Takorode, Ghana Pp.( )
Abstract: The world is presently tending towards being a global village in this era of digitalization and many nations are bracing up to mark their position in the global squire. Globalization refers to a growing tendency of worldwide association and interdependence of countries and their people leading to a type of social network and linkages. This has been made possible by the used of ICT especially in the education sector. The nation of Nigeria is not left out in the globalization process as preparations have been made in various sectors of the economy to apply ICT principles. The education sector is gradually being reformed in order to fit into the global trend.
Appears in Collections:Educational Technology

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