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Title: sensing, measuring and modelling the mechanical properties of sandstone
Authors: Antony, S. J.
Ozerkan, N
Olugbenga, Adeola Grace
Keywords: Micro-mechanics, Rock mechanics, Mechanical properties, Optical stress analysis and DEM
Issue Date: Feb-2018
Publisher: Rock mechanics and Rock engineering
Citation: Antony, S.J., Olugbenga, A. & Ozerkan, N.G. Sensing, Measuring and Modelling the Mechanical Properties of Sandstone. Rock Mech Rock Eng 51, 451–464 (2018).
Abstract: We present a hybrid framework for simulat- ing the strength and dilation characteristics of sandstone. Where possible, the grain-scale properties of sandstone are evaluated experimentally in detail. Also, using photo-stress analysis, we sense the deviator stress (/strain) distribution at the micro-scale and its components along the orthogo- nal directions on the surface of a V-notch sandstone sample under mechanical loading. Based on this measurement and applying a grain-scale model, the optical anisotropy index K0 is inferred at the grain scale. This correlated well with the grain contact stifness ratio K evaluated using ultrasound sensors independently. Thereafter, in addition to other exper- imentally characterised structural and grain-scale properties of sandstone, K is fed as an input into the discrete element modelling of fracture strength and dilation of the sandstone samples. Physical bulk-scale experiments are also conducted to evaluate the load–displacement relation, dilation and bulk fracture strength characteristics of sandstone samples under compression and shear. A good level of agreement is obtained between the results of the simulations and experi- ments. The current generic framework could be applied to understand the internal and bulk mechanical properties of such complex opaque and heterogeneous materials more realistically in future.
Description: Fundamental level understandings on the strength and frac- ture properties of opaque and heterogeneousmaterials such as sandstone rock (Adeyanju and Olafuyi 2012) require accounting for realistic characteristics, from the single-grain scale to the bulk scale. This task remains as a stif challenge in a wide range of science and engineering felds including geotechnical, petroleum, mining, minerals, advanced materi- als and chemical engineering. Rocks have inherent granular arrangement and bonding at grain level (Burnley 2013). A common feature of a fractured rock is the discontinuity of fracture path within its structure induced by shear localisa- tion (Burnley 2013). Fracture path within the sedimentary rock is identifed by irregular interlocking pegs and sockets (de Andrade and Stylolites 2000). Mineral sorting of rock samples has shown compositional diferences at the grain scale, identifed by irregular interlocking pegs and sock- ets where insoluble minerals concentrate (de Andrade and Stylolites 2000). As a result, they display non-homogeneous material properties at bulk scale (Amadei 1983). Fracture in rock occurs along weaker stress planes (Park 2013). The grains are displaced in directions perpendicular to the least principal stress under external loading (Secor 1965; Nikitin and Odintsev 1999; van der Pluijm and Marshak 2004; Sin- ghal and Gupta 2010).
Appears in Collections:Chemical Engineering

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