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Title: Participation of Female Quantity Surveyors in the Nigerian construction Industry
Authors: Nnamoko, Chioma Eunice
Ola-awo, Wasiu Adeniran
Keywords: : Construction industry
Quantity Surveyors
Issue Date: Mar-2021
Publisher: Hummingbird Publications and Research International
Citation: Nnamoko, C. & Ola-awo, W.A. (2021). Participation of Female Quantity Surveyors in the Nigerian construction Industry. Proceedings of 16th interdisciplinary Academic Conference, Hummingbird Publications and Research International on Integrated Strategies for African Development: Sustainable Development. Held on 25th March, 2021 at University of Ibadan, Oyo State, 381-394
Abstract: Female Quantity Surveyors’ participation in the Nigerian construction industry is low, but the reasons for such low participation are not well understoood. The study assessed the factors driving, as well as challenges that hinder participation of female Quantity Surveyors (QSs) in the Nigerian construction industry. Data was collected through a self- administered questionnare survey of 78 male and 110 female QSs in public and private sector in Abuja. Male respondents were randomly sampled while a census of the female QSs was taken. Analysis of data was carried out using frequency counts, percentile, mean score anf T-test.The most important key motivational factor driving femaleQSs participation is “completion of a construction related course of study”. On the other hand ,” unsociable work hours” and “denial of professional activity by colleaques due to family commitment” are the two top challenges encountered by female QSs. It was thus recommended that to improve the level of participation of female QSs, the female QSs should be motvated through freedom to exercise and experiment new ideas, discretion to make decisions and take the initiative in their assigned roles.
ISBN: 889-217-978-542-6
Appears in Collections:Quantity Surveying

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